20000808, 20020817 Introduction ------------ The Test Traffic Traceroute Database is a project to store the results of the TTM traceroute measurements in a RDBMS. It replaces an earler implemenation with ASCII files (VBYE/RBYT). The DB and accompanying programs have been optimised for fast performance of the daily TTM data processing, which needs to find matching routes for each delay measurement. The project has two main parts: - The updating part consists of reading the RVEC files provided by the test boxes and storing them in the Database. - The querying part allows people to query the database for specific routes at specific timestamps. Original design: Manuel Valente, RIPE NCC Software group Revised for AS extensions: Rene Wilhelm, RIPE NCC New Projects group Inputs/outputs/External Progs and Files used -------------------------------------------- Deliverables: initSQL - SQL instructions to initialize the database updatedb - update the Database routequery - a backend for queries via CGI testquery - test the DB query performance libtraceroutdb.a - a library with utility functions, provides query functions to other programs. fillrecords, fillroutes - tools to transfer old ASCII data to SQL DB transferdb - transfer data to Old_* tables from which they eventually can be purged Input: The update program takes as input a file listing the data files retrieved from remote testboxes by the central TTM processing machines. Of these files, only those whose name starts with RVEC (traceRoute VECtors) are opened for processing. The testquery program takes input from an SNDP (SeND Packets) file to test the performance of the query part. - SNDP files provided by the test boxes, which contain timing information. - RVYE and RBYT files used to fill the DB from ASCII files. We also use the LIST_OF_TESTBOXES file, which maps a boxname to an identifier. Output: - the output of updatedb is sent to the MySQL database. - a CGI interface is provided for querying the DB OS to run on, memory/disk space/speed limitation ------------------------------------------------ OS: Solaris 2.6 The updating program is very CPU-intensive, it also may use large amounts of memory after running for a long time. A large amount of disk space will also be required to store the contents of the DB. Details: ------ 1 - Structure of the Database: Ranges: Each box is mapped to an identifier taken from the LIST_OF_TESTBOXES file. id name IP 1 tt01.ripe.net 2 osdorp.ripe.net As the input files don't mention names, only IP numbers, a hash table mapping IPs to IDs internal to the program is enough; no need for a table. Routes: CREATE TABLE Routes ( id int (11) NOT NULL auto_increment, len int (1) NOT NULL, crc char (32) NOT NULL, route TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); id len crc route 43 12 ow4kjke/ee ... The Routes table contains all the routes that were seen at least once. It is read at initialization and stored in a hash indexed by the MD5 CRC. Len is the number of hops for a given route. crc is a unique identifier used to compare routes rapidly. Route is the route itself, a string composed of IPs in integer format. ASpaths: CREATE TABLE ASpaths ( id int (11) NOT NULL auto_increment, len tinyint (3) unsigned, crc path (32) NOT NULL, route TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); The ASpaths table contains a one to one translation of the IPs observed in a route to the originating AS (autonomous system) numbers. Because IPs can move from one AS to another (mergers, take overs of ISPs), we cannot exclusively link one ASpath to one Route; instead of adding a column to the routes table we have to maintain a seperate table with almost identical structure. As discussed below, the Records table will provide the link of which ASpath and which Route were seen at a particular time. If no AS can be found for a hop, a 0 is stored in the path. In principle, the length (#hops) of the ASpath is identical to that of the Route vector; however, there's on exception in the production database: the first entry in the table has a lenght of 0, and an empty path, to accomodate all Records that were entered in the DB before the ASpath information was added. NOTE: as the stored path is merely a mapping of the observerd hops, one AS will appear as many times as IP numbers of the AS were seen in the traceroute. Condensing this to a sequence of unique hops in AS space is a task for the application programs. Records: CREATE TABLE Records ( id int (11) NOT NULL auto_increment, src int (11) NOT NULL, dst int (11) NOT NULL, routeid int (11) NOT NULL, tstart int (11) NOT NULL, tend int (11) NOT NULL, numrec int (11) NOT NULL, aspathid int (11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); id src dst routeid tstart tend numrec 2129 4 47 149 957219451 957219451 1 The Records table is a compressed form of the raw data from RVEC files. It contains the id of a range, the id of a route, the first and last timestamp at which a given route was seen, and the number of occurences of that route. This table is filled during the execution of the updating script - all data is kept in memory as long as the records show the rangeid and routeid to be identical. When they change, a record is written to the DB. src is the id of the source box, taken from LIST_OF_TESTBOXES dst is the id of the target box, taken from LIST_OF_TESTBOXES routeid is the id of the route, from the Routes table. aspathid is the id of the ASpath, the mapping of IPs to ASnum at the time the data were processed. tstart and tend are the timestamps recorded at the first and last occurence of this record. numrec is the number of occurences of this particular record. 2 - Components: There are several executable programs used in the project: * updatedb allows the daily updating of the database from the RVEC files. Upon initialization, updatedb reads information on ranges (src-dst) from LIST_OF_TESTBOXES, routes from the Routes table and ASpaths from the ASpaths tables; Three hashes are built with this information (see get_ranges() and get_table()). In addition a fourth hash is created to map IPs to ASnums; this one will be filled while we process data. Updatedb accepts one parameter, a filename. This filename should contain a list of RVEC files. These files can be in plain text or compressed (.gz) format. For each of these files, we do: Read the contents of the file, and for each line, create a recstruct record to store the contents of the line (process_file()). If we discover a new route, we insert it in the Routes table; similar logic applies to ASpaths Then, we take the linked list of recstruct records that we got, and we sort them by src, dst, and timestamp (sort_records()). Then we process that list of records (process_records()). We keep a fullrec variable to store the 'ongoing' records. For each record: If the record has the same src, dst, routeid and aspahthid than fullrec, just increment the number of records in fullrec and modify the t_end to the new record timestamp. If not, write fullrec to the Records table and store the new record in fullrec. If fullrec is empty, try to see if the last written record in the Records table with the same src and dst has the same routeid and aspathid. If so, delete that record, store the data in fullrec, and update fullrec with the new record. * fillroutes and fillrecords These two applications are used to fill the Routes and Records tables with data taken from ASCII files - VBYE for routes, RBYT for records. The two applications read the file name from the command-line, and process one line at a time, filling the DB with a record for each line. They need only to be executed once, in order to put the DB in an up-to-date state. * routequery A CGI interface must also be provided for querying the database from the web. In order to do that, we used a two-tier system: the back-end of the CGI remained on one machine, while the front-end was put on the http server. To get the results, the front-end CGI calls a well-known port on the machine hosting the back-end, passes a line containing src, dst, t_start and t_end, and reads all the lines returned, until it finds a line containing a single '.'. The results are then reformatted by the front-end CGI and displayed on the web browser. The back-end (routequery) performs the following operations: Retrieve all routes between t_start and t_end, plus the last route starting before t_start, if it falls within a given time limit. * transferdb This application is used to move the old records and routes from the database to alternated tables. First, we look for every record older than a provided time range. These records are deleted from the Records table and added to Old_Records. All routes that do not appear any more in Records are removed from Routes and added to Old_routes (remove_routes()). Finally, all records in Old_Records older than a certain time range are removed from Old_records. * testquery This is the actual querying part. It is used to query which routeid was used between two boxes at a given timestamp. Querydb.c contains the actual query function, match_vector(), which was specified by the TT group. testquery takes a filename as a command-line parameter. This filename, as for updatedb, should contain a list of plain text or compressed SNDP files. First, all data for a given day, with a given source box, is fetched from the Records table and stored in a hash (see build_data()). The queries are read from the SNDP files, which contain queries for one day, from a given box. Every line of the file is read and processed by match_vector(), using the hash as data source. After the whole file has been processed, the hash is cleared using reset_data(). 3 - Comments about performance: The performance of the scripts has been found to be acceptable but real performance tests still have to be made. 4 - Other Remarks: * CRC Calculation: From the MD5 documentation (RFC 1321): ---- The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input. It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to produce two messages having the same message digest, or to produce any message having a given prespecified target message digest. ---- A 128-bit string can have 2^128 possibilities. Since the project generates 2.4 million routes per day, assuming that each route is unique (to make things harder), we may have a maximum of 2400000 * 365 = 876000000 unique routes in one year. So, the probability of having two different routes with the same crc is: 876000000 / 2^128 = .00000000000000000000000000000257 Or one chance in 3.88E30. Since most routes appear several times, that probability is actually much lower. * Dumping/Backup of the database: The mysqldump tool should be used to dump the database - the syntax is described in the documentation of MySQL, but a simple command line can be: mysqldump [OPTIONS] database [tables] > Textfile