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5 | <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd" [
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16 | <rfc docName="draft-iab-iotsi-workshop-02" category="info" submissionType="IETF">
17 |
18 | <front>
19 | <title abbrev="draft-iab-iotsi-workshop">Report from the Internet of Things (IoT) Semantic Interoperability (IOTSI) Workshop 2016</title>
20 |
21 | <author initials="J." surname="Jimenez" fullname="Jaime Jimenez">
22 | <organization>Ericsson</organization>
23 | <address>
24 | <email>jaime.jimenez@ericsson.com</email>
25 | </address>
26 | </author>
27 | <author initials="H." surname="Tschofenig" fullname="Hannes Tschofenig">
28 | <organization>Arm Ltd.</organization>
29 | <address>
30 | <email>hannes.tschofenig@arm.com</email>
31 | </address>
32 | </author>
33 | <author initials="D." surname="Thaler" fullname="Dave Thaler">
34 | <organization>Microsoft</organization>
35 | <address>
36 | <email>dthaler@microsoft.com</email>
37 | </address>
38 | </author>
39 |
40 | <date year="2018" month="July" day="02"/>
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 | <abstract>
47 |
48 |
49 | <t>This document provides a summary of the ‘Workshop on Internet of
50 | Things (IoT) Semantic Interoperability (IOTSI)’,
51 | which took place in Santa Clara, California, on March 17-18, 2016. The main
52 | goal of the workshop was to foster a discussion on the different
53 | approaches used by companies and Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs)
54 | to accomplish interoperability at the application layer. This report
55 | summarizes the discussions, and lists recommendations to the standards
56 | community. The views and positions in this report are those of the
57 | workshop participants and do not necessarily reflect those of the
58 | authors and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), which organized
59 | the workshop.</t>
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 | </abstract>
64 |
65 |
66 | </front>
67 |
68 | <middle>
69 |
70 |
71 | <section anchor="section-1" title="Introduction">
72 |
73 | <t>The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) holds occasional workshops
74 | designed to consider long-term issues and strategies for the
75 | Internet, and to suggest future directions for the Internet
76 | architecture. The investigated topics often require coordinated
77 | efforts of many organizations and industry bodies to improve an
78 | identified problem. One of the targets of the workshops is to
79 | establish communication between relevant organizations, especially
80 | when the topics are out of the scope for the Internet Engineering
81 | Task Force (IETF). This long-term planning function of the IAB is
82 | complementary to the ongoing engineering efforts performed by working
83 | groups of the IETF.</t>
84 |
85 | <t>With the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), interoperability
86 | becomes more and more important. Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs)
87 | have done a tremendous amount of work to standardize new protocols,
88 | and to profile existing protocols.</t>
89 |
90 | <t>At the application layer and at the level of solution frameworks,
91 | interoperability is not yet mature. Particularly, the
92 | work on data formats (in the form of data models and information
93 | models) has not seen the same level of consistency throughout
94 | SDOs.</t>
95 |
96 | <t>One common problem is the lack of an encoding-independent standardization
97 | of the information, the so-called information model. Another problem is
98 | the strong relationship with the underlying communication architecture,
99 | such as a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) style design or a RESTful design. Furthermore, groups develop
100 | solutions that are very similar on the surface but differ slightly in their standardized outcome, leading to interoperability
101 | problems. Finally, some groups favor different encodings for use with
102 | various application layer protocols.</t>
103 |
104 | <t>Thus, the IAB decided to organize a workshop to reach out to relevant
105 | stakeholders to explore the state-of-the-art and to identify
106 | commonality and gaps <xref target="IOTSIAG"/><xref target="IOTSIWS"/>. In particular, the IAB was
107 | interested to learn about the following aspects:</t>
108 |
109 | <t><list style="symbols">
110 | <t>What is the state of the art in data and information models? What should
111 | an information model look like?</t>
112 | <t>What is the role of formal languages, such as schema languages, in
113 | describing information and data models?</t>
114 | <t>What is the role of metadata, which is attached to data to make it self-describing?</t>
115 | <t>How can we achieve interoperability when different organizations, companies
116 | and individuals develop extensions?</t>
117 | <t>What is the experience with interworking various data models developed
118 | from different groups, or with data models that evolved over time?</t>
119 | <t>What functionality should online repositories for sharing schemas have?</t>
120 | <t>How can existing data models be mapped against each other to offer interworking?</t>
121 | <t>Is there room for harmonization, or are the use cases of different groups
122 | and organizations so unique that there is no possibility for cooperation?</t>
123 | <t>How can organizations better work together to increase awareness and information sharing?</t>
124 | </list></t>
125 |
126 | </section>
127 | <section anchor="section-2" title="Terminology">
128 |
129 | <t>The first roadblock to interoperability at the level of data models is the lack of a
130 | common vocabulary to start the discussion.
131 | <xref target="RFC3444"/> provides a starting point by separating conceptual models for designers,
132 | or “information models”, from concrete detailed definitions for implementers, or
133 | “data models”. There are concepts that are
134 | undefined in that RFC and elsewhere, such as the interaction with the
135 | resources of an endpoint, or “interaction model”. Therefore the three
136 | “main” common models that were identified were:</t>
137 |
138 | <t><list style="hanging" hangIndent="3">
139 | <t hangText='Information Model'><vspace blankLines='0'/>
140 | An information model defines an environment at the highest level of abstraction and
141 | expresses the desired functionality.
142 | Information models can be defined informally (e.g., in plain English) or more
143 | formally (e.g., UML, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, etc.).
144 | Implementation details are hidden.</t>
145 | </list></t>
146 |
147 | <t><list style="hanging" hangIndent="3">
148 | <t hangText='Data Model'><vspace blankLines='0'/>
149 | A data model defines concrete data representations at a lower level of
150 | abstraction, including implementation and protocol-specific details.
151 | Some examples are: SNMP Management Information
152 | Base (MIB) modules, W3C Thing Description (TD) Things, YANG models, LWM2M
153 | Schemas, OCF Schemas, and so on.</t>
154 | </list></t>
155 |
156 | <t><list style="hanging" hangIndent="3">
157 | <t hangText='Interaction Model'><vspace blankLines='0'/>
158 | An interaction model defines how data is accessed and retrieved from the endpoints,
159 | being therefore tied to the specific
160 | communication pattern that the system has (e.g., REST methods,
161 | Publish/Subscribe operations, or RPC calls).</t>
162 | </list></t>
163 |
164 | <t>Another identified terminology issue is the semantic meaning overload
165 | that some terms have. The meaning can vary depending on the context in which the
166 | term is used. Some examples of such terms are: semantics, models,
167 | encoding, serialization format, media types or encoding types. Due
168 | to time constraints, no concrete terminology was agreed upon, but
169 | work will continue within each organization to create various
170 | terminology documents. The participants agreed to set up a github repository
171 | <xref target="IOTSIGIT"/> for sharing information.</t>
172 |
173 | </section>
174 | <section anchor="section-4" title="What Problems to Solve">
175 |
176 | <t>The participants agreed that there is not simply a single problem to be solved, but
177 | rather a range. During the workshop the following problems were discussed:</t>
178 |
179 | <t><list style="symbols">
180 | <t>Formal Languages for Documentation Purposes</t>
181 | </list></t>
182 |
183 | <t>To simplify review and publication, SDOs need
184 | formal descriptions of their data and interaction models.
185 | Several of them use a tabular representation found in the specification itself,
186 | but use a formal language as an alternative way of describing objects and resources
187 | for formal purposes. Some examples of formal language use are as follows.</t>
188 |
189 | <t>The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), now OMA SpecWorks,
190 | used an XML schema <xref target="LWM2M-Schema"/> to describe their object
191 | and resource definitions. The XML files of standardized objects are available for download at
192 | <xref target="OMNA"/>.</t>
193 |
194 | <t>The Bluetooth SIG defined Generic Attributes (GATT) services and characteristics for use with
195 | Bluetooth Smart/Low Energy. The services and characteristics are shown in a tabular form on
196 | the Bluetooth SIG website at <xref target="SIG"/>, and are also defined as XML instance documents.</t>
197 |
198 | <t>The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) uses JSON Schemas to formally define data models,
199 | and RAML to define interaction models. The standard files are available online
200 | at OneIoTa.org.</t>
201 |
202 | <t>The AllSeen Alliance uses AllJoyn Introspection XML to define data and interaction
203 | models in the same formal language, tailored for RPC-style interaction. The standard
204 | files are available online on the AllSeen Alliance web site, but both standard and
205 | vendor-defined model files can be obtained by directly querying a device for them at runtime.</t>
206 |
207 | <t>The World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) uses the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
208 | to define data and interaction models using a format tailored for the web.</t>
209 |
210 | <t>The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) uses YANG to define data and interaction models.
211 | Other SDOs may use various other formats.</t>
212 |
213 | <t><list style="symbols">
214 | <t>Formal Languages for Code Generation</t>
215 | </list></t>
216 |
217 | <t>Code generation tools that use formal data and information modelling languages
218 | are needed by developers. For example, the AllSeen Visual Studio
219 | Plugin <xref target="AllSeen-Plugin"/> offers a wizard to generate code based on
220 | the formal description of the data model. Another example of a data
221 | modelling language that can be used for code generation is YANG. A
222 | popular tool to help with code generation of YANG modules is pyang <xref target="PYANG"/>.
223 | An example of a tool that can do code generation for multiple ecosystems is
224 | OpenDOF <xref target="OpenDOF"/>. Use cases discussed for code generation included easing
225 | development of server-side device functionality, clients, and compliance tests.</t>
226 |
227 | <t><list style="symbols">
228 | <t>Debugging Support</t>
229 | </list></t>
230 |
231 | <t>Debugging tools are needed that implement generic object browsers, which
232 | use standard data models and/or retrieve formal language descriptions
233 | from the devices themselves. As one example, the
234 | NRF Bluetooth Smart sniffer from Nordic Semiconductor <xref target="nRF-Sniffer"/> can be
235 | used to display services and characteristics defined by the Bluetooth SIG.
236 | As another example, AllJoyn Explorer <xref target="AllJoynExplorer"/> can be used to browse
237 | and interact with any resource exposed by an AllJoyn device, including both
238 | standard and vendor-defined data models, by retrieving the formal descriptions
239 | from the device at runtime.</t>
240 |
241 | <t><list style="symbols">
242 | <t>Translation</t>
243 | </list></t>
244 |
245 | <t>The working assumption is that devices need to have a common data model
246 | with a priori knowledge of data types and actions. However that would imply
247 | that each consortium/organization will try to define their own, causing a major
248 | interoperability problem, if not a completely intractable one given
249 | the amount of variations, extensions, compositions or versioning changes that
250 | will happen on a per data model basis.</t>
251 |
252 | <t>Another potential approach is to have a minimal ammount of information on the
253 | device to allow for a runtime binding to a specific model, the objective being
254 | to require as little prior knowledge as possible.</t>
255 |
256 | <t>Moreover, gateways, bridges and other similar devices need to dynamically
257 | translate (or map) one data model to another one. Complexity will increase
258 | as there are also multiple protocols and schemas that make interoperability
259 | harder to achieve.</t>
260 |
261 | <t><list style="symbols">
262 | <t>Runtime Discovery</t>
263 | </list></t>
264 |
265 | <t>Runtime discovery allows IoT devices to exchange metadata about the data, potentially along with the
266 | data exchanged itself. In some cases the metadata not only describes data but also the interaction model as well.
267 | An example of such an approach has been shown with HATEOAS <xref target="HATEOAS"/>.
268 | Another example is that all AllJoyn devices support such runtime discovery
269 | using a protocol mechanism called “introspection”, where the metadata is
270 | queried from the device itself <xref target="AllSeen"/>.</t>
271 |
272 | <t>There are various models, whether deployed or possible, for such discovery.
273 | The metadata might be extracted from a specification, or looked up on a
274 | cloud repository (e.g., OneIoTa for OCF models), or looked up via a vendor’s
275 | site, or obtained from the device itself (such as in the AllJoyn case). The
276 | relevant metadata might be obtained from the same place, or different
277 | pieces might be obtained from different places, such as separately obtaining
278 | information such as (a) syntax information, (b) end-user descriptions in
279 | a desired language, and (c) developer-specific comments for implementers.</t>
280 |
281 | </section>
282 | <section anchor="section-5" title="Translation">
283 |
284 | <t>In an ideal world where organizations and companies cooperate and agree on a
285 | single data model standard, there is no need for gateways that translate from one data model
286 | to the other one. However, this is far from reality today, and there are many
287 | proprietary data models in addition to the already standardized ones. As a
288 | consequence, gateways are needed to translate between data models. This leads to
289 | (n^2)-n combinations, in the worst case.</t>
290 |
291 | <t>There are analogies with gateways back in the 1980s that were used to
292 | translate between network layer protocols. Eventually IP took over, providing
293 | the necessary end-to-end interoperability at the network layer. Unfortunately,
294 | the introduction of gateways leads to the loss of expressiveness
295 | due to the translation between data models. The functionality of IP was so
296 | valuable in the market that advanced features of other networking
297 | protocols became less attractive and were not used anymore.</t>
298 |
299 | <t>Participants discussed an alternative which they called a ‘red star’, shown in <xref target="red-star"/>,
300 | where data models are translated to a common data model shown in the middle. This
301 | reduces the number of translations that are needed down to 2n (in the best case).
302 | The problem, of course, is that everyone wants their own data model to be the red star in the center.</t>
303 |
304 | <figure title="The 'Red Star' in Data/Information Models." anchor="red-star"><artwork><![CDATA[
305 | +-----+ +-----+
306 | | | | |
307 | | | -- -- | |
308 | | | -- -- | |
309 | +-----+ -- -- +-----+
310 | -- ---
311 | -- --
312 | -- --
313 | -- --
314 | --- -- A -- ---
315 | / \ ___/ \___ / \
316 | | | ---------------', .'--------------- | |
317 | \ / /. ^ .\ \ /
318 | --- /' '\ ---
319 | -- --
320 | -- --
321 | -- --
322 | -- --
323 | -- --
324 | /\ -- -- /\
325 | / \ -- -- / \
326 | / \ / \
327 | / \ / \
328 | /--------\ /--------\
329 | ]]></artwork></figure>
330 |
331 | <t>While the workshop itself was not a suitable forum to discuss the design of
332 | such translation in detail, several questions were raised:</t>
333 |
334 | <t><list style="symbols">
335 | <t>Do we need a “red star” that does everything or could we design something that
336 | offers a more restricted functionality?</t>
337 | <t>How do we handle loss of data and loss of functionality?</t>
338 | <t>Should data be translated between data models or data models be translated?</t>
339 | <t>How can interaction models be translated? They need to be dealt with in addition
340 | to the data models.</t>
341 | <t>Many (if not all) data and interaction models have some bizarre functionality
342 | that cannot be translated easily. How can those be handled?</t>
343 | <t>What limitations are we going to accept in these translations?</t>
344 | </list></t>
345 |
346 | <t>The participants also addressed the question of when translation should be done.
347 | Two use cases were discussed:</t>
348 |
349 | <t>a) Design time: a translation between data model
350 | descriptions, such as translating a YANG model to a RAML/JSON model,
351 | can be performed once, during design time.
352 | A single information model might be mapped to a number of different data models.</t>
353 |
354 | <t>b) Run time: Runtime translation of values in two standard data models can only be
355 | algorithmically done when the data model on one side is algorithmically derived
356 | from the data model on the other side. This was called a “derived model”.
357 | It was discussed that the availability of runtime discovery can aid in
358 | semantic translation, such as when a vendor-specific data model on one
359 | side of a protocol bridge is resolved and the translator can algorithmically
360 | derive the semantically-equivalent vendor-specific data model on the other
361 | side of a protocol bridge, as discussed in <xref target="BridgeTaxonomy"/>.</t>
362 |
363 | <t>The participants agreed that algorithm translation will generally require
364 | custom code, whenever one is translating to anything other than a derived model.</t>
365 |
366 | <t>Participants concluded that it is typically easier to translate data between systems that
367 | follow the same communication architecture.</t>
368 |
369 | </section>
370 | <section anchor="section-6" title="Dealing with change">
371 |
372 | <t>A large part of the workshop was dedicated to the evolution of
373 | devices and server-side applications.
374 | Interactions between devices and services and how their relationship
375 | evolves over time is complicated by their respective different
376 | interaction models.</t>
377 |
378 | <t>The workshop participants discussed various approaches to deal with change. In the most basic case, a
379 | developer might use a description of an API and implement
380 | the protocol steps. Sometimes the data or information model can be used to generate code stubs. Subsequent changes to an API
381 | require changes on the clients to upgrade to the new version, which
382 | requires some development of new code to satisfy the needs of the new
383 | API.</t>
384 |
385 | <t>These interactions could be made machine-understandable in the first place,
386 | enabling for changes to happen at runtime.
387 | In that scenario, a machine client could discover the possible interactions with a
388 | service, adapting to changes as they occur without specific code
389 | being developed to adapt to them.</t>
390 |
391 | <t>The challenge seems to be to code the human-readable specification into a machine-readable format. Machine-readable languages require a shared vocabulary to
392 | give meaning to the tags.</t>
393 |
394 | <t>These types of interactions are often based on the REST architectural
395 | style. Its principle is that a device or endpoint only needs a
396 | single entry point with a host providing descriptions of the API
397 | in-band by means of web links and forms.</t>
398 |
399 | <t>By defining IoT-specific relation types, it is possible to drive
400 | interactions through links instead of hardcoding URIs into a RESTful
401 | client, thus making the system flexible enough for later changes.
402 | The definition of the basic hypermedia formats for IoT is still work
403 | in progress. However, some of the existing mechanisms can be reused,
404 | such as resource discovery, forms, or links.</t>
405 |
406 | </section>
407 | <section anchor="section-7" title="Security Considerations">
408 |
409 | <t>There were two types of security considerations discussed: use of formal data
410 | models for security configuration, and security of data and data models in general.</t>
411 |
412 | <t>It was observed that the security assumptions and configuration, or “security model”, varies by ecosystem today,
413 | making the job of a translator difficult. For example, the types of security
414 | principals (e.g., user vs. device vs. application), the use of access control lists (ACLs) vs. capabilities,
415 | and what types of policies can be expressed, all vary by ecosystem. As a result,
416 | the security model architecture generally dictates where translation can be done.</t>
417 |
418 | <t>One approach discussed was whether two endpoints might be able to use some overlay
419 | security model, across a translator between two ecosystems, which only works if
420 | the two endpoints agree on a common data model for their communication. Another approach
421 | discussed was simply having a translator act as a trusted intermediary, which allows
422 | the translator to be able to translate between different data models.</t>
423 |
424 | <t>One suggestion discussed was potentially adding metadata into either the
425 | formal data model language, or accompanying the data values over the wire, tagging
426 | the data with privacy levels. However, sometimes even the privacy level of information
427 | might itself be sensitive. Still, it was observed that being able to dynamically
428 | learn security requirements might help provide better UIs and translators.</t>
429 |
430 | </section>
431 | <section anchor="section-8" title="Collaboration">
432 |
433 | <t>The participants discussed how best to share information among their various organizations.
434 | One discussion was around having joint meetings. One current challenge reported was that
435 | organizations were not aware of when and where each others’ meetings were scheduled,
436 | and sharing such information could help organizations better collocate meetings.
437 | To facilitate this exchange, the participants agreed to add links to their respective
438 | meeting schedules from a common page in the IOTSI repository <xref target="IOTSIGIT"/>.</t>
439 |
440 | <t>Another challenge reported was that organizations did not know how to find each others’
441 | published data models, and sharing such information could better facilitate reuse of the
442 | same information model. To facilitate this exchange, this participants discussed whether
443 | a common repository might be used by multiple organizations. The OCF’s OneIoTa repository
444 | was discussed as one possibility but it was reported that its terms of use at the time
445 | of the workshop prevented this. The OCF agreed to take this back and look at updating
446 | the terms of use to allow other organizations to use it too, as the restriction was not
447 | the intent. Schema.org was discussed as another possibility. In the meantime, the
448 | participants agreed to add links to their respective repositories from a common page in
449 | the IOTSI repository <xref target="IOTSIGIT"/>.</t>
450 |
451 | <t>It was also agreed that the iotsi@iab.org mailing list would remain open and available
452 | for sharing information between all relevant organizations.</t>
453 |
454 | </section>
455 | <section anchor="section-9" title="Acknowledgements">
456 |
457 | <t>We would like to thank all paper authors and participants for their
458 | contributions, and Ericsson for hosting the workshop.</t>
459 |
460 | </section>
461 | <section anchor="section-10" title="Appendix A: Program Committee">
462 |
463 | <t>This workshop was organized by the following individuals: Jari Arkko,
464 | Ralph Droms, Jaime Jiménez, Michael Koster, Dave Thaler, and Hannes
465 | Tschofenig.</t>
466 |
467 | </section>
468 | <section anchor="section-11" title="Appendix B: Accepted Position Papers">
469 |
470 | <t><list style="symbols">
471 | <t>Jari Arkko, “Gadgets and Protocols Come and Go, Data Is Forever”</t>
472 | <t>Carsten Bormann, “Noise in specifications hurts”</t>
473 | <t>Benoit Claise, “YANG as the Data Modelling Language in the IoT space”</t>
474 | <t>Robert Cragie, “The ZigBee Cluster Library over IP”</t>
475 | <t>Dee Denteneer, Michael Verschoor, Teresa Zotti, “Fairhair: interoperable IoT services for major Building Automation and Lighting Control ecosystems”</t>
476 | <t>Universal Devices, “Object Oriented Approach to IoT Interoperability”</t>
477 | <t>Bryant Eastham, “Interoperability and the OpenDOF Project”</t>
478 | <t>Stephen Farrell, Alissa Cooper, “It’s Often True: Security’s Ignored (IOTSI) - and Privacy too”</t>
479 | <t>Christian Groves, Lui Yan, ang Weiwei, “Overview of IoT semantics landscape”</t>
480 | <t>Ted Hardie, “Loci of Interoperability for the Internet of Things”</t>
481 | <t>Russ Housley, “Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications”</t>
482 | <t>Jaime Jimenez, Michael Koster, Hannes Tschofenig, “IPSO Smart Objects”</t>
483 | <t>David Jones, IOTDB - “Interoperability Through Semantic Metastandards”</t>
484 | <t>Sebastian Kaebisch, Darko Anicic, “Thing Description as Enabler of Semantic Interoperability on the Web of Things”</t>
485 | <t>Achilleas Kemos, “Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation Semantic Interoperability Release 2.0, AIOTI WG03 - IoT Standardisation”</t>
486 | <t>Ari Keraenen, Cullen Jennings, “SenML: simple building block for IoT semantic interoperability”</t>
487 | <t>Dongmyoung Kim, Yunchul Choi, Yonggeun Hong, “Research on Unified Data Model and Framework to Support Interoperability between IoT Applications”</t>
488 | <t>Michael Koster, “Model-Based Hypertext Language”</t>
489 | <t>Matthias Kovatsch, Yassin N. Hassan, Klaus Hartke, “Semantic Interoperability Requires self describing Interaction Models”</t>
490 | <t>Kai Kreuzer, “A Pragmatic Approach to Interoperability in the Internet of Things”</t>
491 | <t>Barry Leiba, “Position Paper”</t>
492 | <t>Marcello Lioy, “AllJoyn”</t>
493 | <t>Kerry Lynn, Laird Dornin, “Modeling RESTful APIs with JSON Hyper-Schema”</t>
494 | <t>Erik Nordmark, “Thoughts on IoT Semantic Interoperability: Scope of security issues”</t>
495 | <t>Open Geospatial Consortium, “OGC SensorThings API: Communicating “Where” in the Web of Things”</t>
496 | <t>Jean Paoli, Taqi Jaffri, “IoT Information Model Interoperability: An Open, Crowd-Sourced Approach in Three Parallel Parti”</t>
497 | <t>Joaquin Prado, “OMA Lightweight M2M Resource Model”</t>
498 | <t>Dave Raggett, Soumya Kanti Datta, “Input paper for IAB Semantic Interoperability Workshop”</t>
499 | <t>Pete Rai, Stephen Tallamy, “Semantic Overlays Over Immutable Data to Facilitate Time and Context Specific Interoperability”</t>
500 | <t>Jasper Roes, Laura Daniele, “Towards semantic interoperability in the IoT using the Smart Appliances REFerence ontology (SAREF) and its extensions”</t>
501 | <t>Max Senges, “Submission for IAB IoT Sematic Interoperability workshop”</t>
502 | <t>Bill Silverajan, Mert Ocak, Jaime Jimenez, “Implementation Experiences of Semantic Interoperability for RESTful Gateway Management”</t>
503 | <t>Ned Smith, Jeff Sedayao, Claire Vishik, “Key Semantic Interoperability Gaps in the Internet-of-Things Meta-Models”</t>
504 | <t>Robert Sparks and Ben Campbell, “Considerations for certain IoT based services”</t>
505 | <t>J. Clarke Stevens, “Open Connectivity Foundation oneIoTa Tool”</t>
506 | <t>J. Clarke Stevens, Piper Merriam, “Derived Models for Interoperability Between IoT Ecosystems”</t>
507 | <t>Ravi Subramaniam, “Semantic Interoperability in Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) - formerly Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC)””</t>
508 | <t>Andrew Sullivan, “Position paper for IOTSI workshop”</t>
509 | <t>Darshak Thakore, “IoT Security in the context of Semantic Interoperability”</t>
510 | <t>Dave Thaler, “IoT Bridge Taxonomy”</t>
511 | <t>Dave Thaler, S”ummary of AllSeen Alliance Work Relevant to Semantic Interoperability”</t>
512 | <t>Mark Underwood, Michael Gruninger, Leo Obrst, Ken Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Gary Berg-Cross, Torsten Hahmann, Ram Sriram, “Internet of Things: Toward Smart Networked Systems and Societies”</t>
513 | <t>Peter van der Stok, Andy Bierman, “YANG-Based Constrained Management Interface (CoMI)”</t>
514 | </list></t>
515 |
516 | </section>
517 | <section anchor="section-12" title="Appendix C: List of Participants">
518 |
519 | <t><list style="symbols">
520 | <t>Andy Bierman, YumaWorks</t>
521 | <t>Carsten Bormann, Uni Bremen/TZI</t>
522 | <t>Ben Campbell, Oracle</t>
523 | <t>Benoit Claise, Cisco</t>
524 | <t>Alissa Cooper, Cisco</t>
525 | <t>Robert Cragie, ARM Limited</t>
526 | <t>Laura Daniele, TNO</t>
527 | <t>Bryant Eastham, OpenDOF</t>
528 | <t>Christian Groves, Huawei</t>
529 | <t>Ted Hardie, Google</t>
530 | <t>Yonggeun Hong, ETRI</t>
531 | <t>Russ Housley, Vigil Security</t>
532 | <t>David Janes, IOTDB</t>
533 | <t>Jaime Jimenez, Ericsson</t>
534 | <t>Shailendra Karody, Catalina Labs</t>
535 | <t>Ari Keraenen, Ericsson</t>
536 | <t>Michael Koster, SmartThings</t>
537 | <t>Matthias Kovatsch, Siemens</t>
538 | <t>Kai Kreuzer, Deutsche Telekom</t>
539 | <t>Barry Leiba, Huawei</t>
540 | <t>Steve Liang, Uni Calgary</t>
541 | <t>Marcello Lioy, Qualcomm</t>
542 | <t>Kerry Lynn, Verizon</t>
543 | <t>Mayan Mathen, Catalina Labs</t>
544 | <t>Erik Nordmark, Arista</t>
545 | <t>Jean Paoli, Microsoft</t>
546 | <t>Joaquin Prado, OMA</t>
547 | <t>Dave Raggett, W3C</t>
548 | <t>Max Senges, Google</t>
549 | <t>Ned Smith, Intel</t>
550 | <t>Robert Sparks, Oracle</t>
551 | <t>Ram Sriram, NIST</t>
552 | <t>Clarke Stevens</t>
553 | <t>Ram Subramanian, Intel</t>
554 | <t>Andrew Sullivan, DIN</t>
555 | <t>Darshak Thakore, CableLabs</t>
556 | <t>Dave Thaler, Microsoft</t>
557 | <t>Hannes Tschofenig, ARM Limited</t>
558 | <t>Michael Verschoor, Philips Lighting</t>
559 | </list></t>
560 |
561 | </section>
562 |
563 |
564 | </middle>
565 |
566 | <back>
567 |
568 |
569 | <references title='Informative References'>
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
574 |
575 | <reference anchor="RFC3444" target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3444'>
576 | <front>
577 | <title>On the Difference between Information Models and Data Models</title>
578 | <author initials='A.' surname='Pras' fullname='A. Pras'><organization /></author>
579 | <author initials='J.' surname='Schoenwaelder' fullname='J. Schoenwaelder'><organization /></author>
580 | <date year='2003' month='January' />
581 | <abstract><t>There has been ongoing confusion about the differences between Information Models and Data Models for defining managed objects in network management. This document explains the differences between these terms by analyzing how existing network management model specifications (from the IETF and other bodies such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF)) fit into the universe of Information Models and Data Models. This memo documents the main results of the 8th workshop of the Network Management Research Group (NMRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) hosted by the University of Texas at Austin. This memo provides information for the Internet community.</t></abstract>
582 | </front>
583 | <seriesInfo name='RFC' value='3444'/>
584 | <seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC3444'/>
585 | </reference>
586 |
587 |
588 | <reference anchor="AllSeen-Plugin" >
589 | <front>
590 | <title>Using the AllJoyn Studio Extension</title>
591 | <author initials="B." surname="Rockwell" fullname="B. Rockwell">
592 | <organization></organization>
593 | </author>
594 | <date year="2016"/>
595 | </front>
596 | </reference>
597 | <reference anchor="HATEOAS" target="https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-uploads/2016/03/2016-IAB-HATEOAS.pdf">
598 | <front>
599 | <title>Semantic Interoperability Requires Self-describing Interaction Models - HATEOAS for the Internet of Things</title>
600 | <author initials="M." surname="Kovatsch" fullname="M. Kovatsch">
601 | <organization></organization>
602 | </author>
603 | <date year="2016"/>
604 | </front>
605 | <seriesInfo name="Proceedings" value="of the IoT Semantic Interoperability Workshop 2016"/>
606 | </reference>
607 | <reference anchor="AllSeen" target="https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-uploads/2016/03/AllSeen-summary-IOTSI.pdf">
608 | <front>
609 | <title>Summary of AllSeen Alliance Work Relevant to Semantic Interoperability</title>
610 | <author initials="D." surname="Thaler" fullname="D. Thaler">
611 | <organization></organization>
612 | </author>
613 | <date year="2016"/>
614 | </front>
615 | </reference>
616 | <reference anchor="BridgeTaxonomy" target="https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-uploads/2016/03/DThaler-IOTSI.pdf">
617 | <front>
618 | <title>IoT Bridge Taxonomy</title>
619 | <author initials="D." surname="Thaler" fullname="D. Thaler">
620 | <organization></organization>
621 | </author>
622 | <date year="2016"/>
623 | </front>
624 | </reference>
625 | <reference anchor="IOTSIAG" target="https://www.iab.org/activities/workshops/iotsi/agenda/">
626 | <front>
627 | <title>IoT Workshop for Semantic Interoperability (IOTSI) - Agenda and Slides</title>
628 | <author >
629 | <organization>IAB</organization>
630 | </author>
631 | <date year="2016"/>
632 | </front>
633 | </reference>
634 | <reference anchor="IOTSIGIT" target="https://github.com/iotsi/iotsi">
635 | <front>
636 | <title>Github Collaborative Repository</title>
637 | <author >
638 | <organization>IOTSI</organization>
639 | </author>
640 | <date year="2016"/>
641 | </front>
642 | </reference>
643 | <reference anchor="IOTSIWS" target="https://www.iab.org/activities/workshops/iotsi/">
644 | <front>
645 | <title>IoT Workshop for Semantic Interoperability (IOTSI) 2016 - Main Page and Position Papers</title>
646 | <author >
647 | <organization>IAB</organization>
648 | </author>
649 | <date year="2016"/>
650 | </front>
651 | </reference>
652 | <reference anchor="LWM2M-Schema" >
653 | <front>
654 | <title>OMA LWM2M XML Schema</title>
655 | <author >
656 | <organization>OMA</organization>
657 | </author>
658 | <date year="2018"/>
659 | </front>
660 | </reference>
661 | <reference anchor="OMNA" >
662 | <front>
663 | <title>OMNA Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) Object & Resource Registry</title>
664 | <author >
665 | <organization>OMA</organization>
666 | </author>
667 | <date year="2018"/>
668 | </front>
669 | </reference>
670 | <reference anchor="SIG" target="https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt">
671 | <front>
672 | <title>GATT Specifications</title>
673 | <author >
674 | <organization>Bluetooth SIG</organization>
675 | </author>
676 | <date year="2018"/>
677 | </front>
678 | </reference>
679 | <reference anchor="PYANG" >
680 | <front>
681 | <title>An extensible YANG validator and converter in python</title>
682 | <author initials="M." surname="Bjorklund" fullname="M. Bjorklund">
683 | <organization></organization>
684 | </author>
685 | <date year="2016"/>
686 | </front>
687 | </reference>
688 | <reference anchor="nRF-Sniffer" >
689 | <front>
690 | <title>nRF Sniffer - Smart/Bluetooth low energy packet sniffer</title>
691 | <author >
692 | <organization>Nordic Semiconductor</organization>
693 | </author>
694 | <date year="2016"/>
695 | </front>
696 | </reference>
697 | <reference anchor="AllJoynExplorer" >
698 | <front>
699 | <title>AllJoyn Explorer</title>
700 | <author >
701 | <organization>Microsoft</organization>
702 | </author>
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713 | </front>
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719 |
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721 |
722 | </back>
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837 | 7NT+MKCS3I9AD99mAgALBjcS7UIYIlnAN1oyyK0u6hKqxqzKKGHbCmIzSro0
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839 | WdyIUH6AkvuaSoD8weeEUqsm5Txkp8BqUW2j+gt7lWqBwxXTdPFUxxvH8HO4
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867 | 65fyBrvpXQpfDlOwSZkXaAzbub7z87MbMhUaEF/CKQagEgoS/oPt799q56kG
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914 | BpnQfRqYFKUirJHA1bWC/9/o0uAajW1apNT+tho54KkZ+P65zERuSP2Lu0SV
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922 | ZqfYwrO8lesv32aTSq7yJE67uN7Tgyk8XEZbYMlbz/ifwCZwtsRHd7yFySR/
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931 | i5KSHc6nSm5q83rHi6Lg1f+c/blfVZDLMYavD7+EnIIvF8n7119+A97IHf++
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935 | w9tbfcc0gGvcMvc7GEC8ASgqkncMYfFPKuwPuUEgBu1rHqzw7zd/rYSErs/+
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939 | 1rSnr88wMD9wSgYqj2PDhQXsvWcAu+f5uKnKb4CBwbAyhzDfmX9ksHL39xXN
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944 | xI7QStcQ7FdMxLGcUzR6Y83+7Qk+PdACa1NHBwOdKn2gtMmVj3u34Xc+BeZ6
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946 | a+21jy7CEjLesR8QMQIM4Rt7z8FSszaQQkJZIICfsnqeUZl/sOtnZnrN60EH
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949 | jNPIa73s4+EbYB6W0uH9IM0y4tNMzYrPuYBkLAUhXtarT8swU32ldyfF1cXZ
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961 | zy/ebbXRZ0Rknis9Y9pb/ZbAfaA8W5JK14iAM3h+nwbyv8aD2fDdnf8DIhqM
962 | yV1zAAA=
963 |
964 | -->
965 |
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967 |